Meet Your Payors 2023 Session Recap

Thank you for your interest in understanding the multiple payors for dental Medicaid. This session should give you a better understanding of which to choose based on your patient's demographics. 

Here is the Full Session Recording:

Medicaid Mini Series Session 3 - Meet Your Payors

Here are the Presentation Slides:

Meet Your Payors Slide Deck

Need to Know: 

How Do I Verify My Patient’s Eligibility for Medicaid Services?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Perhaps you have a few questions. Take a look at some that were commonly asked below. If your question isn't answered here, we're happy to help. Please email Jessica Emmerich and she will respond with the appropriate resources. 

How Do Providers Know Which Health Plan Participants Have? 

Participants should have an ID card for the health plan in which they are enrolled. Providers should always use the eMOMED portal to verify eligibility.

Do Participants Receive Different Services through the Managed Care Plans?

Participants are eligible for the same services with both MO HealthNet and the Managed Care Plans. Some of the Managed Care plans do offer participants incentives such as reimbursement for after school programs or supplies for pregnant women.

Additional Resources:

MO HealthNet Information for Providers

MCOH Dental Provider Credentialing, Policy & Claims Webinar Series