Oral diseases are a devastating problem among a significant percentage of Missouri’s residents, affecting their overall health and ability to work and learn. The Mission of the Missouri Coalition for Oral Health is to improve oral health with all Missourians by advocating for sound public policy. The Vision of the Missouri Coalition for Oral Health is Oral Health for all Missourians. Join organizations and individuals across the state in achieving this mission. Your support and dedication are essential to ensuring oral health is a high priority for Missourians and for policy makers.
To register for this conference, check the corresponding box on the online conference registration form or email us at info@oralhealthmissouri.org with a note saying you will attend. Include your name and email address.
Advancing Veteran Oral Health for Missouri
Presented with the American Institute of Dental Public Health
Reserve a room at CAPITOL PLAZA
Reserve a room at COURTYARD
*MCOH room blocks close on February 2, 2025; rooms are limited so early reservations are encouraged!*
MO Medicaid Matters Mini-Series
Dental Provider Credentialing, Policy & Claims Webinar Series
Past MO Oral Health Policy Conferences & MCOH Webinars
My Dental Care Passport includes information about how a patient can be better supported when visiting a dental clinic. This passport contains detailed information such as communication preferences, mobility limitations, and helpful strategies to best prepare for a successful dental visit.
English My Dental Care Passport
Spanish Mi Pasaporte de Atencion Dental
Mandarin My Dental Care Passport (Mandarin)
Arabic My Dental Care Passport (Arabic)
Vietnamese My Dental Care Passport (Vietnamese)
Somali My Dental Care Passport (Somali)
Rural Children in Crisis: Access to Missouri Oral Care Video
ATSU MO School of Dentistry & Oral Health Graduation Address 2021