General Responsibilities of Coalition Members, Board Members and Officers of the Missouri Coalition for Oral Health
- Coalition Member Responsibilities
- Actively supports the MCOH mission to improve oral health for all Missourians through sound public policy and public awareness.
- Actively works to support unity in support of the Mission within the Coalition and collaboratively with other organizations.
- Develops knowledge and/or expertise related to the oral health needs of Missourians, including underserved and high-risk populations.
- Willingly applies such knowledge and/or expertise through work of the Coalition to advance the Mission.
- Willingly serves on committees, workgroups or otherwise make substantive contributions to furthering the Mission.
- Board Member Responsibilities
- Actively participates, with full membership of the Board, in -
- setting the direction of the organization;
- leading the Coalition by actively supporting the MCOH mission to improve oral health for all Missourians through public awareness and sound public policy;
- creating the organization’s strategic plan with member input; and
- carrying out the fiduciary responsibilities of the organization to keep the organization solvent, financially sound and free from liability.
- Adheres to the bylaws.
- Acts in good faith with the same care as an ordinarily prudent person would exercise in a like position and under similar circumstances (Duty of Care).
- Pursues the interest of the organization, not his/her own interest by giving undivided allegiance to the organization when making decisions affecting the organization and discloses conflicts of interest (Duty of Loyalty).
- Ensures that the organization remains faithful to its central purposes and supports board decisions once made (Duty of Obedience).
- Actively works to support unity of Mission within the Coalition Board, committees and throughout organizational structures and activities, and collaboratively with other organizations.
- Works with other Board members to achieve a consensus on Board policies, actions and the public policy agenda of the Coalition.
- Willingly serves on one or more Board committees or work groups as needed to support the Mission.
- Prepares for Board meetings by reviewing distributed materials provided by the Executive Director prior to each meeting.
- Keeps abreast of the MCOH activities by reviewing correspondence.
- Attends, either in person or via conference call, monthly Board meetings, the annual meeting, and other key functions of the Corporation, or contacts the Executive Director when he/she anticipates an absence.
- Ensures that the Board is collectively representative of the diversity of interests that surround the mission of improving the oral health of all Missourians.
- Board Officer and Executive Committee Member Responsibilities
- Chair
- Provides overall leadership to the organization, staff, the Board, and membership.
- Ensures that the MCOH conducts activities in concert with its mission.
- Presides over all meetings of the Board.
- Assures execution of the decisions of the Board.
- Serves as a spokesperson for the organization.
- Provides the primary communications linkage between the Board and the Executive Director.
- Works closely with and supports the Executive Director to further the Mission.
- Reviews with the Executive Director the annual conflict of interest disclosure forms submitted by each board member.
- Secretary
- Ensures effective documentation of Board meetings, the dissemination of Board minutes and other information to the membership.
- Keeps, or causes to be kept, at the Corporation’s principal office or such other place as the Board may direct, a book of minutes of all meetings, proceeding, and actions of the Board and committees of the Board.
- Keeps or causes to be kept, at the principal office, a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws, as amended to date.
- Gives, or causes to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board and of committees of the Board required by the Bylaws to be given.
- Ensures compliance with annual reporting requirements.
- Has other powers and performs such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
- Treasurer
- Ensures that the Corporation follows sound financial practices.
- Keeps and maintains, or causes to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and accounts of the Corporations properties and transactions.
- Sends, or causes to be sent, to the directors, such financial statements as are required to be given by law, by the Bylaws, or by the Board. The books of account shall be open to inspection by any director at all reasonable times.
- Deposits or causes to be deposited, all money and other values in the name and to the credit of the Corporation’s funds as the Board may order.
- Renders to the Chairperson and the Board, when requested, an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation.
- Prepares, or causes to be prepared, for required signature and filing all returns, reports, and forms required by law, including, but not limited to IRS Form 990.
- Has other powers and performs such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
- In cooperation with the Executive Director, develops an annual budget to be approved by the Board.
- Ensures compliance with all grant and contractual requirements of MCOH funders.
- Ensures that an annual audit is conducted, and that the audit report is presented to the Board for review and approval.
- Vice-Chair
- Assists the Chairperson with his/her duties.
- Performs/Carries out the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.
- Works closely with the Chairperson as a partner in organization leadership.
- Has other powers and performs such other duties as the Board may prescribe.
- At-Large
- Ensures actions of the Executive Committee are supportive of the Mission.
- Provides assistance, when needed, to the offers of the Coalition, including assistance to the Chair.
- Has other powers and performs such other duties as the Board may prescribe.