The Shape of Things to Come - Value-Based Care

Presented by Rebekah Mathews, MPA

CareQuest Institute for Oral Health

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Course Description: The need for improving value and equity in our national health care system remains a constant objective for policymakers, health care leaders, and patient advocates.  What is value-based care, and what can it mean for oral health?  This session will provide an overview of value-based care and how transforming our models of care delivery and payment can improving population health and better manage costs.   The importance of community-informed and data-driven solutions to driving value transformation will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Define value-based care and describe what it can look like in oral health.
  • Explain the benefits of an integrated, value-based model of oral health and how it supports better patient and population health.
  • Define the importance of data to designing, implementing and tracking value-based care models.

Rebekah Mathews, MPA

CareQuest Institute for Oral Health

Rebekah Mathews serves as vice president, health transformation for CareQuest Institute for Oral Health. In this role, Rebekah leads the efforts for CareQuest Institute to partner with public and private stakeholders across the health continuum to develop, test, and measure prevention-focused, person-centered strategies to create an oral health system that meets the needs of everyone. She brings a mission-focused perspective and always strives to bring the very best to the forefront of oral health transformation.

Previously, Rebekah served as director of value-based care at CareQuest Institute. Before joining the organization, she served in roles with DentaQuest, advancing value-based transformation and overseeing client relationships in Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, and South Carolina. Prior to this, she spent five years in state policy and government relations in South Carolina.

Rebekah earned a bachelor’s degree in art history and master’s degree in public administration from the University of South Carolina.

This speaker has declared no commercial conflict of interest relative to this presentation.