ADA Course: Being a Medicaid Provider in an Era of Accountability

Presentation Part 1

Presentation Part 2

Presentation Part 3

Presented by Dr. Steven Geiermann, ADA Senior Manager with Dr. Sidney Whitman, Dr. Allen Finkelstein, and Dr. Charlie Czeretak

Co-sponsored by the Missouri Dental Association & the Missouri Office of Dental Health

Despite misconceptions and fears associated with being a Medicaid provider, treating this population can be rewarding and not cut adversely into your bottom line.  Members of the ADA’s Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention (CAAP) Medicaid Provider Advisory Committee will share insights, opportunities and challenges regarding program integrity, compliance, fraud, advocacy and how to better safeguard your practice while providing care to this growing population in an era of increasing accountability and scrutiny.  Special emphasis will be given to the importance of proper documentation of medical necessity.

 Dr. Steve Geiermann, a retired Captain in the U.S. Public Health Service, serves as the Senior Manager addressing access, community oral health infrastructure and capacity within the American Dental Association. He served as a dental director in the Indian Health Service and Federally Qualified Health Centers as well as being a HRSA regional dental consultant and project officer within the National Health Service Corps and the HIV/AIDS Bureau. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA) and is an expert advisor for Safety Net Solutions seeking to improve the financial stability and productivity of health centers. He is a Senior Fellow of the Center for Excellence in Government and a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. 

 Dr. Sidney Whitman is a Pediatric Dentist and former managing partner of a large multi-specialty practice which provides services for New Jersey Family Care.  He is the Director of Pediatric Dentistry at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Chairman of the Residency Selection Committee, Chairman of the NJ Oral Health Coalition, Chairman of the ADA Medicaid Provider Advisory Committee, President of Dental Life Line Network of NJ, and Chairman of the Medicaid Committee for NJDA. He a member of the Dental Advisory Committee for NJ Medicaid. He is an advisor to the NJ American Academy of Pediatrics and Head Start. He is a Fellow of International College of Dentists and the American College of Dentists.

 Dr. Allen Finkelstein, the Chief Executive Officer of Bedford HealthCare Solutions is the former Chief Dental Officer of AmeriChoice/United Health Group. Dr. Finkelstein is currently an adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at New York University, College of Dentistry, Senior Advisor for Oral Health Strategies adjunct facility member of the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health AT Still University, a member of the Harvard University School of Dental Medicine Dean’s Advisory Board, a member of Drexel College of Medicine Student Advisory Board,  a member of the Visitor’s Board of the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University, a member of the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine’s Advancement Council, a member of Al Quds University Advisory Council, a member of the Foundation Board of the College of Staten Island, and serves on the Board of Governors of Tel Aviv University.

 Dr. Charles Czerepak is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist in private practice in Chicago, Illinois. He holds appointments at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He has served as President of the Medical Staff of Children’s Memorial Hospital, as a trustee of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists and as a trustee of the Illinois State Dental Society. Dr. Czerepak served on the Committee for the implementation of the electronic medical record for Children’s Memorial Hospital. He is currently on the Medicaid Advisory Committee of the American Dental Association and the Pediatric Medicaid and SCHIP Advisory Committee and the Safety Committee of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.