Dentists should be paid for services rendered. And reliably paid, at that.
This is one of the key benefits of offering Medicaid care at your practice. There is no question of when and what you will get paid.
Medicaid is Paying More
Medicaid is now comparable to, and in some cases more profitable than, private insurance. This table gives you a quick comparison of how reimbursements have improved.
See for yourself - use the rate sheet on page 63 of the Dental Manual to view a table of all covered procedure codes and reimbursements.
Payment Reliability
The competitive reimbursements in addition to Medicaid’s regular payment schedule give providers security to confidently manage their cashflow, and even expand their business.
“[Medicaid] is worth it because of the fair rate that they’re paying and the frequency that they’re paying… There’s something to be said about knowing exactly what you’re going to get and when you’re going to get it for the work you’ve done.”
- Dr. Kirk Quigless, DDS
Hear how dental Medicaid changed the impact and profitability of Dr. Quigless' practice.
Improving Access to Care
While one in eight Missourians rely on Medicaid for dental care, there are still 25 out of Missouri’s 114 counties without a single dental Medicaid provider. The need is especially great in rural areas, but there is also no shortage of work in urban areas.
Dedicating just 10% of your practice to Medicaid patients not only supports the needs of your community, but also creates financial stability upon which to continue to build your business.
Credentialing Support
Ready to learn more about the credentialing process? We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Start with our Medicaid Mini - Adding Medicaid: Your Practice, Your Way to see ways other providers are incorporating Medicaid into their practice, or contact your Medicaid Mentor, Jessica Emmerich, directly. She can help you navigate all things Missouri dental Medicaid.