Now that providers understand the enhanced value proposition for offering Medicaid services, their next immediate question:
How Long Does It Take to Get Credentialed?
It takes about two weeks to get credentialed with MO HealthNet once your application is submitted.
Practices that are new to Medicaid, must first enroll using their Group NPI. Once approved, the individual providers can enroll. See detailed enrollment guidance in the MO HealthNet Enrollment Presentation.
After submitting your application, you can immediately start enrolling with the Managed Care Plans, if you choose.
You do not have to wait for MO HealthNet approval.
Ready to Get Started with Medicaid Credentialing?
Check out Credentialing Checklist to help you get started on your application.
Need More?
Your Medicaid Mentor – Jessica Emmerich, is here to offer you support. Email, call, or text her at 573-536-2474.