Bridging to MO HealthNet Dental Access

Presented by Dale Carr (Director, Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance), Amanda Fahrendorf (MO HealthNet Division), Halie Payne (Professional Affairs Director, Missouri Dental Association), and Jessica Emmerich (Dental Medicaid Facilitator, Missouri Coalition for Oral Health)

View the Presentation - Dental Medicaid Facilitator

View the Presentation - MDA

View the Presentation - Mo HealthNet

Course Description: In July 2022, Medicaid Dental Rates were raised in an effort to increase access to dental care throughout Missouri.  However, many practices in Missouri have not worked with MO HealthNet and are unfamiliar with the enrollment and claims processes.  This panel will give Providers an overview of the role that MO HealthNet, MMAC, the MDA, and MCOH play in enrollment and assisting Missouri Medicaid providers. Participants will learn what resources are available and the benefits of becoming a MO HealthNet provider.

Objectives: At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Know the benefits of being a MO HealthNet Provider;
  • Learn about resources available to help providers enroll in Medicaid;
  • Understand the roles of MO HealthNet, MMAC, MDA, and MCOH and how they can be of assistance

Dale Carr, Director

Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance

Dale Carr currently serves as Director of the Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance (MMAC) unit, which has overall responsibility for Medicaid program integrity efforts.  Dale has worked for the State of Missouri since 2011.  Director Carr was previously a Police Officer in Fallon, NV, an Investigator for the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, and a Supervisory Special Agent with the Coast Guard Investigative Service.  Dale holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the 158th Session of the FBI National Academy.

This speaker has declared no commercial conflict of interest relative to this presentation.

Amanda Fahrendorf, Lead Education & Training Specialist

DSS - MO HealthNet

 Amanda Fahrendorf provides education and training to MHD providers, participants, and staff. Amanda graduated in 2009, from William Woods University, Adult Studies Program with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management.

 During her 21 years of tenure with DSS, she has worked for Child Support Enforcement, Children’s Division, and MHD. In MHD, as well as serving as an educator, Amanda has been a Correspondence and Information Specialist with the Clinical/Exceptions Hotline and a Medicaid Specialist with the Clinical Programs & Policy Unit.

As the Lead Education and Training Specialist, Amanda has spoken with many groups about changes in MO HealthNet policies. She has used these opportunities to build strong relationships with our providers and sister agencies to streamline processes to serve our providers and participants better. She provides training and interpretation of MHD policy, program limitations and benefits, and proper billing procedures. She trains providers through webinars, workshops and one-on-one discussions.

This speaker has declared no commercial conflict of interest relative to this presentation.

Halie Payne, Professional Affairs Director

Missouri Dental Association

Halie has been the Director of Professional Affairs for the Missouri Dental Association since June 1, 2022. In this role, she assists in all regulatory and advocacy areas within the association. Halie directs the development of necessary education and public relations campaigns related to advocacy, maintains relationships with individuals and groups with similar interests to those of the MDA, and provides support to member inquiries as it relates to legislative and regulatory issues and topics. Prior to her role with the MDA, Halie served as Communications Director for Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor, Mike Kehoe. She is a graduate of the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri, and resides in Russellville, Missouri with her husband Kaleb and their two dogs.

This speaker has declared no commercial conflict of interest relative to this presentation.